View the latest clinical research regarding the efficacy of APP-NEATM.

Study of Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) with a Mandibular Advancement Oral Appliance (MAD).
“Follow-up Clinical Study Testing Application and Effectiveness of the MAD-FIT Algorithm“, Working paper, to be submitted to Sleep.
DOWNLOADMission & Vision
Our MISSION and we choose to ACCEPT it: To Advance the Science and Practice of Dental Sleep Medicine through Education, Research and State of the Art Treatment Protocols for the Benefit of Mankind.
We do this to serve both healthcare professionals and patients. Through APP-NEA, sleep physicians and dentists can offer services and solutions that will more effectively help their patients and grow their practices. APP-NEA offers a way forward for people who suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Snoring. We exist to diminish the barriers that too many encounter on their path to restful sleeps, improved daytime function and greater quality of life.
Benefits of the APP-NEA Workflow
We have compiled the latest clinical research, accurate information and treatment solutions about OSA for patients and providers in one user-friendly online platform.
We seamlessly connect patients to sleep physicians and sleep dentists who are able to diagnose and treat their sleep disordered breathing. This provides sleep physicians and dentists with a network of patients who seek their help.
We provide you with a secure, online portal that provides up-to-date information on your patient's treatment with an oral appliance. Our portal allows dentists and physicians to share diagnosis information and treatment information between practices. Inclusion in our APP-NEA network helps you build your practice with referrals from other medical providers.
We offer unique custom oral appliances personalized to fit each individual user. APP-NEA strives to be a global leader in dental sleep medicine and exists to quell the epidemic of sleep disordered breathing through innovative, simple and scientifically astute solutions and services.
Please be advised that APP-NEA(TM), LLC is a for-profit company. Dentists who use our website pay us a modest fee for the convenience (patients and sleep physicians do not pay us). However, we value scientific information and finding solutions that work for each individual with compromised sleep. We strive to provide you with unbiased and scientifically astute resources and we will not sell you anything that is not right for you. Specifically, if you are diagnosed with "Severe" Obstructive Sleep Apnea, you should try to use a CPAP machine (which we don't sell, but others do), not MAD-FIT. But if you are simply being treated for snoring or have "mild" or "moderate" apnea, an oral appliance like MAD-FIT, along with possible life style changes like losing weight, not smoking, and not drinking excessively, is the recommended treatment.
On this website, we'll give you up-to-date information about snoring and sleep apnea and the different treatment options. Our citations come from reliable, scientifically sound sources. We provide you with links to scientific and clinical research on these issues and the treatment recommendations of responsible professional organizations like the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. If you would like to get in touch with a board-certified sleep physician for a sleep test & diagnosis, we’ll help you find one.